PLEASE NOTE: We are closed for holiday from 23 August until 21 September.

Food for the Planet Festival

food for the planet

Cambridge’s First Food For The Planet Festival

Take part in Cambridge’s Food Festival from the 15th to the 22nd of October to learn and raise awareness of sustainability and the food crisis.

food for the planet festival
The new look of the Maharajah

Cambridge is going for Gold!

Following the launch of the #GoldFoodCambridge campaign to become a Gold Sustainable Food City by 2024, Sustainable Cambridge is working hard to achieve this goal. 

Food causes a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, and millions of people in the UK can’t afford to put food on the table. Whilst these are big problems that need global solutions, we can all make a positive change and play a part locally. By working together, we can provide healthy, sustainable food that everyone in Cambridge can access with dignity.

food for the planet festival
Chicken chilli and garlic curry

How to take part in this challenge?

  • reduce food waste
  • grow the city’s good food movement
  • address food inequality
  • increase urban food growing by joining a local community garden or growing group
  • tackle the impacts of our food system on public health, nature, and climate change
  • east seasonally
  • find local and seasonal food through local retailers, veg box schemes and markets 
One of their specialities is the Pistachio Milk Cake

Cambridge’s First Food For The Planet Festival

Cambridge Sustainable Food is delighted to announce its first Food for the Planet festival from Saturday the 15th to the 22nd of October.

Hungry for more? If this Festival inspires you to take action on climate change through the food you put on your plate:

  • Individuals can sign the Cambridge Climate Change Charter and make a food pledge this month (or any month!). The Charter enables everyone to learn more about reducing their carbon emissions and being part of the solution to the climate emergency.
  • Food businesses can take the Planet Pledge from Sustainable Food Places and join others across the UK in pledging to serve meals that are better for people and nature. Check out their guidance to help you put your pledge into action.

Supported by Cambridge City Council, SUSTAIN and Sustainable Food Places, the Festival is part of the #GoldFoodCambridge campaign to encourage everyone in Cambridge to help co-create a local food system that’s healthy, climate-friendly and fair for all. The city aims to become the third Gold Sustainable Food Place in the UK by 2024.


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